Testnet Faucet API
Note: This testnet faucet has been discontinued. I recommend https://testnet.manu.backend.hamburg/faucet as a replacement
Testnet is an almost-exact clone of bitcoin, except the bitcoins on testnet are valueless (the testnet blockchain resets every once in a while). It’s much smaller than the bitcoin block chain, and allows developers (and beta testers) to test out apps without the risk of losing money if something goes wrong. You can read more about testnet here.
I’ve provided an API which lets you transfer testnet bitcoins to an address of your choosing. It’s limited by IP address, so you’ll need to respect the limits. For non-developers, the documentation demo below serves as a web-based faucet. If you’d like to donate back to the faucet, send coins to motBKJbh4a67dNYeESjkkKbyfArrBwijN2. Happy developing :)
Response Messages
HTTP Status Code | Data Type | Response |
200 | application/json | { "ip" : "", "limit": "10000000" } |
Request URL
`` demoGetResp.url ``
Response Code
`` demoGetResp.code ``
Response Data
`` demoGetResp.resp ``
Parameter | Data Type | Value | Description |
address | String | Transfer bitcoins to this testnet address. | |
amount | Integer | Amount, in Satoshis, of transfer (must be below limit or this will return an error). |
Response Messages
HTTP Status Code | Data Type | Response |
200 | application/json | { "id" : "Transaction ID", "limit": "9000000" } |
403 | application/json | { "error" : "Request exceeds limit", "limit": "10000000" } |
406 | application/json | { "error" : "Missing required parameters" } |
422 | application/json | { "error" : "Bitcoin error message" } |
Request URL
`` demoPostResp.url ``
Response Code
`` demoPostResp.code ``
Response Data
`` demoPostResp.resp | json ``
The faucet itself is written in node.js, and the code is available at https://github.com/royalfork/testnet-faucet.